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        ABOUT CRY LOUD   

Cry Loud Spare Not Speak Up is a 501 (c) (3) organization founded by Shirley Scarborough due to the pain and grief experienced after the murder of her daughter, Francesca Harris-Scarborough, who was involved in an abusive relationship at the time of her death.  In her memory, we will turn our pain into power and ensure that her death will not be in vain by helping to educate, advocate, and support other women and girls in domestic abuse relationships. We will foster a safe environment where women and girls will value their self-worth, learn to love themselves, have healthy relationships, and set healthy boundaries. We are committed to spreading awareness, prevention, and advocating for an end to domestic violence.


Enough is Enough!


To empower and uplift women and girls impacted by domestic violence and abusive relationships, in memory of Francesca Harris-Scarborough.  We provide education, mentoring, and resources encouraging women to find their voice and embrace self-worth through self-confidence, self-love, and self-esteem.


Our vision is a world where every woman and girl knows her inherent value and is empowered to break free from abusive relationships. We aim to achieve this through a variety of educational workshops, classes, informative resources, seminars, conferences, and promotional products, fostering a society where silence is replaced with strength and empowerment.

Our Team


Founder and President
Shirley Scarborough

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